After more then two years, the initiatives and efforst put by CTUBIH brough the first real results. Workers of VF Komerc, the large commerce chain expressd their faith in CTUBIH to be able to represent and protect their rights and to act as a partner to their menagment. THe formal procedure is completed and the fees started to come from the store in sarajevo, Sanski Most, Gračanica and Bihać.

For CTUBIh this is very important step forward mainly due to the efforts and all initiatives that were made in order to organize the workers of this comapny but also due its size and representation. After the registartion procces is fuelly completed CTUBIH will strat with the activities for these members in cooperation with its friends from Norwegian TU Movement. The main aim of this activties is first to justify all the promises that were given to these workers and also to give all the support and services to the members.
CTUBIH will also intensivelly work in developing the positive atmosfere with the menagment of the company and in this respect strainghten the social dialogue and partnership.