Reform of STBIH


STBIH Crisis Plan, anonimously adopted by the ist Executive Comittee,got support from the project partners too. PAM and SASK;Finland decited to support the plan by providing the recources for the reform process of STBIH. The reform has aim to make the union more effective on all its level and it will include the drafting new union documents, redefining the roles and responsibilities as well as promoting the local union engagement on the regional level as it was propossed by Crisis Plan.


The Project will be implemented in two parts, the reform itself to be done until the next STBIH Congress at the end of 2009 and support in the first implementation of the reformed union trough  training of elected STBIH leadership and shopstewards.


The Reform Comittee elected by STBIH executive Comittee togehther with representatives of PAM;SASK and HUMAK from Finland take active part in this process. The first working seminar was held in febraury and next one is sheduled for April.
The reform started with studies on needs and expectation of the key stake holders of STBIH as its basis.