Training of the elected Tu representtaives, DETU in 2007/2008 PAM Finland decited that will not stop with its engagement in BIH and that continiues international solidarity is still very much need in order to protect the present ...

Into the organizing with the new car!   The support of Handel og Kontor during the years is well known by the all members of STBIH. Organizing has always been one of the top priorities for the union and therefore has also been the ...

Seminar held in Sarajevo in October 2006 After expanded two years project period of PAM?S activties in BIH and in Zenica, the Evaluation Seminar was held in Sarajevo 3-4 October 2006.The aim of the seminar was to give the overview of ...

Every fourth person in the world today is in the 15-30 age group. According to the UN estimates, this is the maximum number of young people ever to live in the world. One of the greatest challenges for youth population globally, is ...

Zaostrog, June 2004 The major activity in the FIET/UNI Solidarity project in 2004 as well as the major event in the entire trade union movement in the country this year was A youth Summer Camp organized by this project. The idea as ...