EU Decent Work Balkan Network

STBIH as a partner for BIH in the EU Project Decent Work Balkan Network (DWBN)organized National hearing on Case study “Right to organize as a precondition to decent work in BIH” The hearing was hel on 07 October and was one the rare activities in Bosnia and Herzegovina arranged on the occassion of International Day of Decent Work, 07 October. STBIH invited representtaives of number of branch trade unions from all parts of BIH,employer’s asociation and NGOs aiming on providing respective forum for discussion on the case study done by Ms. Elma Demir and the draft National plan for BIH.

In a very frutifull discussions 23 participants contributed with their own experience and views that were agreed as conclussions of this hearing. These conclussions will be part of The National Plan of EU DWBN for Bosnia and Herzegovina. On the top priorities for the future work in this Project is mearging of efforts and strainghts of civil sector’s organization in order to promote right to organize and freedom of asociation as one of the key precodnitions for decent work in BIH. Mrs. Besima Borić, from FSA SDP was moderator of this event which atracted number of written and TV media.

STBIH as a part of this project will implement major advocacy action by end of this year aiming on awareness raising on the importance of this fundamental right and BH experience will also be presented on the regional conference in Belgrade in November