BH Civil society together for Decent Work in EU Project Balkan Decent Work Network

As a part of EU project that STBIH is partner to OPIC and number of other organization in Western Balkans, the first activity for Bosnia and Herzegovina was organized in Sarajevo 26-27 May. Round Table titled “EU acquis – BH possibilities and expectations gathered 27 representatives of trade union and NGO’s to discuss this global challenge. During two days the participants adressed number of decent work issues relevant for BIH but also made a framework for future efficient cooperation between trade unions and NGO’s in BIH.

After many fruitfull disccussions and taking into account present situation in BIH as well as needs of Bh workers, the participants agreed on priorities in the field of decent work and made decission to focus the future engagement of this project as well as other joint initiatives to the problem of trade union organizing. The right to be a union member is one of funadamental rights garanteed by ILO and other global organization as well as by BH national laws. However the implementation of this right is being seriously violeted in BIH especially in service sector where it take aproximatlly two years from the first contact to employer untilo the final aproach to the workers. In mayn cases this aproval never comes.

this is main reason why participants of this Round table agreed that focus of this EU project is going to be promotion of right to be a union members as one o0f the precondition for decent work.

Next activities of the project will be design in order to promote this right and at the end on awareness raising campaign in BIH as well as on promoting this issues in EU circles.






This project is financed by EU