Succesiful project as role model for future cooperation

After more then two years and four implemented seminars as well as after all project groups have sucesifully completed their project tasks, HAndels and STBIH Project for Strainghtening women’s network has been evaluated in Sarajevo 28-29 May 2010.

Besides the participants,members of Women’s Section of STBIH and friends from Sweden, representatives of Olaf Palme International from Sarajevo office were also present on this final evaluation seminar.

Evaluation focussed on project empact on STBIH as organization as well as on how it improved the skills and competences of STBIH women as its target group. It also gave some key sugestion for posibille continuation of the project. The Project evaluation as well as full report will be completed after all project groups finish their own internal evaluation of the project group work.

In behalf of STBIH we herewith thank friends from Handels,Sundswall as well as our partners from OPC International for theri support and solidarity.